Other websites you may find useful
Credit Reference Agencies - The UK's three leading agencies
Equifax, Experian
and Callcredit.
They each provide an online facility where you can check your
credit report.
Debt Problems
Figures from the Insolvency Service have
revealed that in 2006, 63,000 people declared themselves bankrupt
and 44,000 opted for an Individual Voluntary Arrangement.
If you are suffering with overwhelming debt, a specialist
insolvency practitioner may be able to reduce your burden and
put together a plan which may see you debt free within 5 years.
People entering into an IVA pay back
only a portion of their overall debt. This is usually around 40%, in some
cases can be less. After five
years, any outstanding debts are written off, although the individual's credit
record will be tarnished for six years. IVAs are suitable for
people who have debts of £15,000 or more and are in regular
employment. Visit www.getaniva.co.uk
for further details.
If you want a mortgage but you're credit record
is less than perfect, you may require the services of a
specialist bad
credit mortgage advisor.